About Professional Coach

Dear Paulina,

My name is Roger. After reading your blog, I learn something about coaching. I found that it is a pretty cool profession, and you're really a pro coach from your article.

The knowledge about coaching is very little in Taiwan. After all, I only know athletes have coach before I read your blog. Your blog shows me the new field of career. However, I have one Question. What's the difference between life coach, inspiring speaker, professional advisor, and physiological therapist? They all need communication skill and special knowledge, and they all need to face people.

Now I am doing the job about training in my company. I like to do training, but I am think of walking to the next steps of my career. So would you mind explaining the difference between those profession?If I can know what difference they have, it will be better for me to make the decision.

Thanks in advance.

Best regard,Roger


Dear Roger,

Thank you for your email and kind words.

You have asked a great question and I would like to answer it in Chinese. Hope it is OK with you.
What's the difference between life coach, inspiring speaker, professional advisor, and physiological therapist?

對我而言coach, speaker, advisor and therapist 是四個不同的專業 我對他們的翻譯分別是 教練 演說者 建議者( 顧問) 以及治療者.這其中針對對象(例如觀眾或客戶)所延伸出來的關係,其實是不同的.

建議者( 顧問)比較是一對一或一對多的單向給建議的關係

前兩者在對話過程中, 陳述和回答問題的比重較高,目地都是希望對客戶產生影響力. 後兩者則以問問題的方式為主 ,治療者通常協助客戶處理過去生活經驗所造成的病症. 例如恐慌症, 酗酒,和憂鬱症等, 治療的目的是希望協助客戶好起來.
教練則是協助客戶一起清除干擾,發揮潛力,達成客戶現在和未來的目標; 目的是協助客戶從優秀到卓越, 做最好的自己.



